
Visit of Pujya Kothari Swamiji

Published On: July 16, 2003 , Updated on : February 20, 2024

The visit of Pujya Kothari Swami Shri Hariprasaaddasji Swamiji, and Pujya Bade Swami Shri Devprasaaddasji Swamiji along with saints like Pujya Bhaktivallabhdasji Swamiji, Pujya Prabhucharandasji Swamiji, Pujya Tyagvallabhdasji Swami, Pujya Krishnacharandasji Swamiji, Pujya Nityaswarupdasji Swamiji and few other saints.

Pujya Kothari Swamiji along with the group of saints visited to some school(s) and Sri Mahesbhai Ruparel’s factory. And along with them is Sri Harjibhai Patel, who was there in the Mahapuja.

They (The group of Saints) can also be seen visiting a Blood Donation camp.