
Bringing Smiles Charity Visit to Kshama Mind Care Trust & Shree Satya Sai Mahila Trust

Published On: September 21, 2024 , Updated on : September 23, 2024

Students from Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Bangalore recently visited Kshama Mind Care Trust Old Age Home and Shree Satya Sai Mahila Trust Old Age Home. The students spent time with the children and elderly, distributing various food items, snacks, and essential supplies as part of their donation efforts. The act of giving filled the students with immense joy and a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing they were able to bring some comfort and happiness to those in need.

During their visit to the old age home, the students had a firsthand glimpse of the struggles and emotions the elderly face in their later years. Witnessing their vulnerability, the students were moved, some becoming emotional as they realized the importance of compassion, care, and respect for the elderly. This experience made them reflect on their own lives, feeling fortunate for the opportunities they have and grateful for the chance to serve others.

The visit not only strengthened their values of charity and empathy but also left a lasting impact on their hearts. As they left Kshama Mind Care Trust and Shree Satya Sai Mahila Trust, they carried with them the lessons of kindness, the importance of giving back to society, and the realization of how small acts of love can make a big difference in the lives of others.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi