Activity – Pick Fruit & Speak 🗣️
Learning outcomes
Eating fruits daily can have many benefits, including:
➡️ Vitamins and minerals: Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, folate, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorous.
➡️ Fiber: Fruits are a great source of dietary fiber, which can help with digestion, lower cholesterol, and increase feelings of fullness.
➡️ Energy: The natural sugars in fruits, like fructose, can provide a quick and sustained energy boost.
➡️ Brain health: Eating enough fruits and vegetables may improve brain health.
➡️ _Weight management: Eating enough fruits and vegetables may help with healthy weight management.
➡️ Immune system: Eating enough fruits and vegetables may help maintain the immune system.
➡️ Mood: Eating enough fruits and vegetables may positively affect mood.