
Green Revolution at Gurukul Gulbarga

Published On: August 29, 2019 , Updated on : February 20, 2024

Go Green Revolution at Swaminarayan Gurukul – Gulbarga

More and more people are thinking about the environmental issues and ecological condition of Earth nowadays. Why has this problem become so relevant? What should we do to save our future? In Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul’s opinion, people have understood that their irresponsibility causes harm to the natural environment. Our planet suffers from numerous problems, which have been caused by the results of the excessive anthropogenic activity. The entire planet suffers from pollution, global warming, deforestation, extinction of biological species, etc. These problems are extremely relevant and require rapid and intensive solutions. It is possible to defeat these problems if the entire humanity changes its approach towards nature, natural resources and the value of nature for its wellbeing. In simple words, people should go green to save Earth.

Trees offer environmental, social benefits. This is the reason why the government and environmental specialists emphasize the importance of planting more and more trees. Here is a brief look at the various benefits of planting trees.

Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees

The environmental benefits of planting trees are known to all. They exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide to maintain the ecological balance in the environment. They also absorb all the harmful gases and give us fresh and pure air to breathe. Planting more trees means fresher air and purer atmosphere. The growing pollution cannot be controlled but its effect can be undermined by planting more and more trees. The places inhabited by a large number of trees are quite cooler compared to the concrete jungles that cannot do without air conditioners. Trees build a sheet to protect us from the harmful ultraviolet rays.

Trees also serve as a habitat for birds and various species of animals. Besides, the leaves, flowers, and fruits they bear are a source of food for living beings. Planting trees means having sufficient food and shelter. This is not it. Trees help in controlling water pollution and preventing soil erosion. In the hilly areas, they slow down the runoff and hold the soil.


Social Benefits of Planting Trees

Urbanization has cut people from their roots. People are seen engrossed in modern-day gadgets and are moving away from nature. Planting more trees is a good way to keep them close to nature. Growing rows of trees and building gardens and parks at short distances in towns and cities an easy place for people to socialize. People come here for morning walks, evening strolls, yoga sessions and laughter therapy. These also serve as a safe place for the kids to play and socialize. So, these offer a chance to indulge in various recreational activities. Planted forests give you the chance to indulge in activities such as hiking, hunting, etc.

A good environment helps in uplifting our mood and trees help in building the same. With so much stress around these days, we all seek things that give us pleasure and uplift our mood. What we don’t realize is that nothing can burst our stress as easily and quickly as nature. Trees are also known for their healing properties. Researchers claim that patients who view trees and plants out of their window tend to heal faster.


Economic Benefits of Planting Trees

Trees provide wood that is used for building various things such as furniture, houses, and stationery items to name a few. Besides, trees also provide fiber, resin, rubber, tannins, honey and much more. So the more trees we plant, the more things we can build. More factories to manufacture such things means a greater number of businesses which is good for the economic prosperity of those involved in the business as well as the country as a whole. More factories and a greater number of booming businesses also mean more employment opportunities for people. Trees also increase the rate of properties. A place surrounded by trees offers a good environment to live and is thus more in demand.

As responsibility for saving the nature Shree Swaminarayan gurukul International School Planted 250+ Karanja (Pongam oil tree) trees in school campus by students hand and given a message to students to plant trees and save our earth. these trees are producing 24-hour oxygen by that school campus will stay evergreen.

Use of Karanja (Pongam oil tree) Tree :-

Millettia pinnata is well-adapted to arid zones and has many traditional uses. It is often used for landscaping purposes as a windbreak or for shade due to the large canopy and showy fragrant flowers. The flowers are used by gardeners as compost for plants requiring rich nutrients. The bark can be used to make twine or rope and it also yields a black gum that has historically been used to treat wounds caused by poisonous fish. The wood is said to be beautifully grained but splits easily when sawn thus relegating it to firewood, posts, and tool handles.

While the oil and residue of the plant are toxic and will induce nausea and vomiting if ingested, the fruits and sprouts, along with the seeds, are used in many traditional remedies. Juices from the plant, as well as the oil, are antiseptic and resistant to pests. In addition, M. pinata has the rare property of producing seeds of 25–40% lipid content of which nearly half is oleic acid. Oil made from the seeds, known as Pongamia oil, is an important asset of this tree and has been used as lamp oil, in soap making, and as a lubricant for thousands of years. The oil has a high content of triglycerides, and its disagreeable taste and odor are due to bitter flavonoid constituents including karanjin, pongamol, tannin, and Karanja chromene. It can be grown in rainwater harvesting ponds up to 6 m (20 ft) in water depth without losing its greenery and remaining useful for biodiesel production.

The residue of oil extraction, called press cake, is used as a fertilizer and as animal feed for ruminants and poultry.

Long used as a shade tree, M. pinata is heavily self-seeding and can spread lateral roots up to 9 m (30 ft) over its lifetime. If not managed carefully it can quickly become a weed leading some, including Miami-Dade County, to label the tree as an invasive species. However, this dense network of lateral roots makes this tree ideal for controlling soil erosion and binding sand dunes.

In Swaminarayan Gurukul, our team focuses on the holistic development of a child through multiple modes like academic, spiritual, sports, motivational & many more. Gurukul’s school assembly is planned in such a way to incorporate meditation which boosts self-confidence, concentration & discipline of the students throughout their school journey in Gurukul.


Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul believes in transforming children, who will shape the future world. It transforms the lives of students with the unique value framework of Vidya, Sadvidya & Brahmavidya

Vidya  Stands for Modern Education, which develops the values like Leadership, creativity, knowledge, curiosity, and dynamism amongst other values within the students

Sadvidya Stands for Traditional education, which develops the values like gratitude, integrity, non-violence, empathy and breaking down bad habits within the students

Brahmavidya stands for spiritual education, which develops the values like faith in God, devotion to God, deep affection with saints, non-attachment, self-realization, and God-realization within the students

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