
Staff Satsang

Published On: July 29, 2024

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School, Vidyanagar, hosted its Monthly Staff Satsang, a spiritual gathering led by Director Shri Kishor Savaliya. This event is an integral part of the school’s tradition, aimed at fostering spiritual growth, unity, and a sense of purpose among the staff.

During the satsang, Shri Kishor Savaliya shared valuable insights on living a balanced life, emphasizing the importance of spirituality, ethics, and mindfulness in both personal and professional spheres. The session included devotional songs, discussions on scriptures, and reflections on how to incorporate spiritual values into daily routines.

The satsang provided a serene and uplifting atmosphere, allowing staff members to connect with each other on a deeper level and renew their commitment to the school’s mission. Shri Savaliya words of wisdom inspired the staff to approach their roles with renewed energy and dedication, reinforcing the school’s ethos of holistic development.