
Bhagavad Gita Jayanti

Published On: December 11, 2024 , Updated on : January 3, 2025

Bhagavad Gita Jayanti, celebrated to honor the sacred scripture that forms the philosophical cornerstone of Sanatana Dharma, was observed with deep devotion and enthusiasm by the hostel students of Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul School, Vijayawada. The event aimed to impart spiritual wisdom and moral values among students, fostering a profound understanding of the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna.

The celebrations commenced with the ceremonial chanting of Bhagavad Gita shlokas, led by the Swamijis and teachers. The melodious recitations filled the atmosphere with tranquility and reverence, encouraging students to immerse themselves in the timeless wisdom of the Gita. The importance of the scripture in guiding one’s life towards dharma, righteousness, and self-realization was highlighted through discourses.

Interactive sessions and activities were organized, such as quizzes on the Gita, debates on its teachings, and skits depicting pivotal moments from the Mahabharata. These engagements allowed students to explore the relevance of the Bhagavad Gita in contemporary times, connecting its profound lessons to their daily lives.

The event concluded with a heartfelt prayer session and prasadam distribution, leaving the students inspired to integrate the Gita’s values into their routines. The celebrations served as a reminder of the spiritual heritage and instilled a sense of responsibility towards personal growth and societal well-being.