
Mahant Swamiji’s Visit to Gurukul Vijayawada Campus

Published On: July 2, 2024 , Updated on : October 9, 2024

HDH Devaprasadasji Swamiji’s visit to Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School in Vijayawada was a significant and spiritually enriching event for the students and staff. His Holiness’s presence brought a wave of enthusiasm and devotion, as he interacted with the students, imparting wisdom and spiritual guidance. The event included various religious ceremonies, motivational talks, and personal blessings, creating an atmosphere of deep reverence and joy.

During his visit to the hostel campus, HDH Devaprasadasji Swamiji emphasized the importance of discipline, moral values, and holistic education. He encouraged the students to focus on their studies while also nurturing their spiritual growth. The students had the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with Swamiji, ask questions, and seek advice on various aspects of life. The visit left a lasting impression on the students, inspiring them to lead a life of righteousness and devotion.