Life at Gurukul
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It is often believed that the school life is one of the most memorable time one has in the lifetime but Gurukul life experience is the ultimate!


Academic Life, Residential Life, Beyond Academics, Moral Spiritual

Many parents and even students experience the inner transformation in their lives after coming to Gurukul. They even experience that the academic which firmly stands on educating ancient wisdom with modern technology has proved to be life-changing system.

In our day to day life we hear about the discrimination between the literate and illiterate. Normally, in the 21st century people believe that illiterate are those who cannot read or write but logically an illiterate person is someone who cannot learn, unlearn or even relearn. Here we need to work on preparing our learners for the upcoming future rather than the past. The framework of the Gurukul is designed in such a way that a child is not just prepared for the competition, corporation and collaboration but teach them to be a complete human being.

We are sure that our Gurukulites life was, is and will be the most phenomenal one not just because we teach them only Modern Education but also traditional and spiritual education. We tend to transform each individual’s life by giving them power, opportunity and culture to attend the highest level of humanity and spirituality through which the character development with academic excellent goes hand in hand.

We don’t need just personality development classes because we have true essence of life i.e. spiritual education-Brahmavidya, we don’t need just require brain-brunch classes because we have a true legacy i.e. traditional education-Sadvidya and we have fully-fledged technological classroom infrastructure development for the modern education.

After living the peaceful, healthy, motivating and transforming life parents will experience the change within their child and will be happy also children will also be enlightened with this new life. Lastly, we will also be happy seeing the changing lives of the children and doing great in their life.

Can these results be expected from ordinary schools where just emphasize is given on education but not on educating moral values?