Jai Swaminarayan!
At Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul, Hyderabad, we organized a grand mega event dedicated to Brahmavidya & Moksha, emphasizing the ultimate spiritual goal of liberation. The event was filled with devotion and wisdom, where students beautifully narrated inspiring stories about Moksha (liberation), illustrating the importance of spiritual knowledge and righteous living. Through their stories, they conveyed the significance of surrendering to Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan and following the path of Dharma, Bhakti, and Gyan. Additionally, the students presented a captivating drama that depicted the journey of a seeker striving for Moksha, overcoming worldly attachments, and attaining divine grace. The event was a remarkable experience, filled with spiritual enlightenment, leaving the audience deeply inspired to walk on the path of true wisdom and liberation.