
Election Campaign Day – 2

Published On: July 2, 2024

Today at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School in Hyderabad, we continued with Day 2 of our vibrant election campaign. The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm as students representing the three parties—UGP (United Gurukul Party), GNS (Gurukul Nav Nirman Seva), and GDP (Gurukul Desham Party)—presented their visions and plans for the school. Each party brought its unique energy and perspective, striving to win the support of their peers for the coveted positions of School Captain, House Captain, and Sports Captain.

The day was filled with speeches and interactive sessions, allowing candidates to connect with voters and share their ideas for improving school life. The UGP emphasized unity and collective growth, GNS focused on innovation and new initiatives, and GDP highlighted a strong sense of community and tradition. The lively discussions and passionate presentations reflected the students’ commitment to making a positive impact on their school environment. As the campaign progresses, the excitement and anticipation among students continue to build, setting the stage for an engaging and memorable election.