
g-Star Parents Smile

Published On: August 15, 2024

Dear Gurukul Family Members,
Secunderabad Gurukul celebrated The Parents Smile Program.
🙏🏻Jay Swaminarayan🙏🏻

By the grace of the Supreme Godhead Bhagavan Swaminarayan, and with the guidance of Parampujya Shree Shukhvallabhdasji Swamiji and Harivallabhdasji Swamiji, along with the divine presence of Parampujya Saralswamiji and Sadguna Swamiji, we successfully organized a beautiful program on August 15th called “Parents Smile.”

This event brought together our teaching staff, non-teaching staff, parents, and students for a memorable celebration. We had the honor of recognizing the PA_1 toppers from each section across all classes, as well as the PA_2 toppers from Class X. Badges and G-Star certificates were distributed to these exceptional students.

The program was a great success, and we were delighted to see smiles not only on the faces of our parents and students but also from our dedicated teachers. It was truly heartwarming to witness the joy and pride shared by all.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event so special.

Warm regards,
Gurukul Family – SBD.