
Lights of Creativity Students Diyas Shine Bright for Pre Diwali Festivities

Published On: October 30, 2024 , Updated on : January 7, 2025

Dear All,
🙏Jay Swaminarayan🙏
We are truly blessed by Lord Bhagawan Swaminarayan, and we acknowledge the divine guidance of Pujyapaad Shukhvallabh Dasji Swamiji and Reverend Harivallabh Dasji Swamiji, whose blessings illuminate our path. Together, we celebrate this joyous occasion, embracing the light of creativity, the joy of outdoor activities, and the spirit of community.

In a heartwarming display of creativity and spirit, our students enthusiastically participated in crafting beautiful diyas and engaging in various outdoor activities as part of the Pre-Diwali celebrations. Each diya, a symbol of light and hope, reflects the dedication and hard work of our young creators, showcasing their artistic flair and innovation.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated teachers, whose guidance and encouragement inspired our students throughout the process. A special thanks to the parents for their unwavering support and to our coordinators for their active involvement in making this event a success.
May the diyas we crafted brighten our lives and hearts this festive season!
Thank You,
Team – SBD.