21st Century Parenting

What kind of World are we preparing for our children ?

Published On: August 3, 2019 , Updated on : February 22, 2024

The 21st century has become the age of tragedies where…



Relationship has become just

a contract of give & take instead of

Kinship ?


people find Joy in


instead of Achievement ?


where People seek satisfaction

has become just in luxury

instead of service


Power works for


instead of Development ?


Compassion has become

Mere Inquiry

instead of Empathy


Where Spirituality

has become a myth

instead of an experience

The question that begs an answer…

What kind of World are we preparing for our children ?

Remember, Our choice matters !




Rise of Moral Revolution

In 1948, amidst the Himalayas, there occurred a historic event… an Event of radical thought within the heart of the visionary savior, Shastriji Maharaj Shri Dharmajivandasji Swami.

He was deeply concerned for the slow demise of indian values, tradition, morality & spirituality

How would our future generation be without Morals?

What would tomorrow’s leaders be like?

Such questions inspired a Himalayan vision in a Saint of similar grit – प्रवर्तनीया सद्विद्या भूवि यत्सुकृतं महत् – Propagate true wisdom in the world, the most noble endeavor – a divine message of Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan…

From that moment he dedicated his entire life, thoughts & actions to unleash this vision of Bhagwan Swaminarayan for the entire humanity

At the time, India was independent from the britishers but yet was the slave to addictions & immorality

And thus, Shastriji Maharaj marched forth to free India from the inner slavery



In 1948, he founded Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul at Rajkot, in the state of Gujarat

The legend of Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul began with only 7 students but later on thousands of students studied & transformed their lives in Gurukul

Presently 50+ gurukul branches instill values of humanity & spirituality among the people throughout the world

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul believes in transforming children, who will shape the future world. It transforms the lives of students with the unique value framework of Vidya, Sadvidya & Brahmavidya


Vidya stands for Modern Education, which develops the values like Leadership, creativity, knowledge, curiosity, and dynamism amongst other values within the students

Sadvidya Stands for Traditional education, which develops the values like gratitude, integrity, non-violence, empathy and breaking down bad habits within the students

Brahmavidya stands for spiritual education, which develops the values like faith in God, devotion to God, deep affection with saints, non-attachment, self realization and God-realization within the students

This framework is designed on the proven principles of ancient & transformational Gurukul Value System.


Join this noble mission of “Transforming Life, Transforming World” as a Student, Teacher, Parent, Employee, Volunteer, Member or a Devotee

Jay Swaminarayan !!