Gurukul Blog


Power of Reading: How It Boosts Academics & Spiritual Growth

Posted by gurukularts

Introduction In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to overlook the profound impact that reading good books and scriptures can have on our...

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Why Guru Purnima is a Sacred Day?

Posted by gurukularts

Guru Purnima is param pavitra (supremely sacred) day, a day dedicated to remembering and worshipping our gurus. This auspicious day holds deep significance as it...

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Learn the Art of Balance

Posted by Gurukul Arts

Famous Hollywood actor “Robin Williams” committed suicide by hanging himself with a suicide note of just three words “Time to Go”. Great Dutch painter and...

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Detachment: The Key to Pure Happiness

Posted by gurukularts

न संसारोत्पन्नं चरितमनुपश्यामि कुशलं विपाकः पुण्यानां जनयति भयं मे विमृशतः । महद्भिः पुण्यौघैश्चिरपरिगृहीताश्च विषया महान्तो जायन्ते व्यसनमिव दातुं विषयिणाम् ।।   It means "I do...

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How to Improve our Devotional Life?

Posted by Gurukul Arts

तद्‌भूरिभाग्यमिह जन्म किमप्यटव्यां, तद्‌गोकुलेऽपि कतमाङ्‌घिरजोभिषेकम्‌। यज्जीवितं तु निखिलं भगवान्मुकुन्दस्त्वद्यापि यत्पदरजः श्रुतिमृग्यमेव॥ (10/14/34) This verse of  shreemad bhagvat says  that "O God, give me such a...

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Mastering Effective Study Techniques: How to Stay Focused and Learn Effectively

Posted by gurukularts

In today's age of information overload and constant digital distractions, students often face the difficult challenge of maintaining focus during their study sessions. The ability...

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The Value of Truth – सत्यं वद

Posted by gurukularts

Truth is the foundation for a fair and just society. In court, a witness is required to take an oath that "I swear by Almighty...

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Parenting Lessons From Mahabharat

Posted by gurukularts

Mahabharat, the war that took place approximately five Thousand years, in Dwapara Yuga. This war was not an ordinary war because Bhagwan Vishnu himself incarnated...

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India’s Independence Day: A Reflection on Triumph, Unity, and Progress

Posted by gurukularts

Introduction Every year on the 15th of August, India comes alive with vibrant celebrations, patriotic fervour, and a deep sense of gratitude as it commemorates...

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Gurukul – An Adobe of Sanskar

Posted by gurukularts

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School, having a glimpse of transcendentalism is a place of Learning, Spirituality, and Devotion. That is ours, but it is not....

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The Law of Karma: Shaping Destinies Through Deeds

Posted by gurukularts

Introduction In the tapestry of life, each individual thread is woven with actions that create the patterns of destiny. The concept of karma, deeply rooted...

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Indian way of Birthday Celebration

Posted by gurukularts

We live in times when many people believe in showcasing their riches through their expensive dresses, grand celebrations, costly gadgets or luxury cars. In the...

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Is Indian Education a burden or an opportunity?

Posted by gurukularts

Abstracts The following article paves the way to all the obstacles of the modern world and gives a clue to the enormous ideas of the...

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What if Shastriji Maharaj Never Existed?

Posted by gurukularts

Can you imagine "Ramayan" without " Shree Ram"?????? Can you imagine "Shreemad Bhagwad Gita" without "Shree Krishna"?????? I think "No, it won't be possible". Likewise,...

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Lessons from Ramayan

Posted by gurukularts

There are so many books that lose their value with time. When it was written, it might be correct according to that period of time,...

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How to Control Anger?

Posted by gurukularts

Control Your Anger, Before it Controls You.   After reading this title many of you will think that this topic is absolutely related to them...

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The Power of Satsang

Posted by gurukularts

Satsang: The Path to Salvation श्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णोः स्मरणं पादसेवनम्। अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम् ॥ The first devotion in Navadha bhakti is Shravan. It means...

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Nishkam Seva, The Untapped Mine of Gold

Posted by gurukularts

Serving God or his devotees without expectation of something in return is Nishkam seva. Service is the greatest quality of man, which makes him superior...

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Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier.

Posted by gurukularts

Have you ever thought about what inspires you more – success stories or the failure stories??? Let me answer your confusion here. It's a failure...

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Leap of Faith in Lap of God

Posted by gurukularts

What makes God "THE GOD"? G = Generator O = Operator  D = Destroyer  The Generator have Generated this world out of nothing (science says...

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Dharmo Rakshati Rakshit – धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः

Posted by gurukularts

The Origin I think many of you have heard this phrase. This phrase is taken from two places one is the VanaParva of the Mahabharata...

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Power of Prayer – From My Hands to his Heart

Posted by gurukularts

PRAYER   Is there any power in it or is it done only for self-satisfaction? This question must have arisen in your mind sometimes. Prayer is...

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Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!

Posted by gurukularts

Tough time doesn't trouble a person when it is tough but, it troubles a person when the world knows that time of a person is...

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Never Take Help From Vali and Duryodhan

Posted by gurukularts

Bhagwan Shree Ram always followed Dharma in his life, and he didn't do anything that is against dharma. Then why did he secretly kill Vali...

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Magh Snan: Cleaning Body, Purifying Soul.

Posted by gurukularts

Magh snan means taking a bath with cold water in magh month of a year. Magh is the eleventh month of Hindu calendar. Starting with...

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તુલસી વિવાહનું પૌરાણિક મહત્વ

Posted by gurukularts

આપણા હિન્દૂ ધર્મમાં અનેક પર્વોની ઉજવણી કરવામાં આવે છે. ઉત્સવ એ મનુષ્યના જીવનમાં નવા રંગો અને નવી ઉર્જાઓ ભરે છે. સાથે સાથે અરસ-પરસ સાથે મળી...

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Unshakeable like Mountain – Abhaysingh Darbar from Lodhika

Posted by gurukularts

There was a great devotee of Bhagwan Swaminarayan namely Jibhai Darbar, who was the king of Lodhika(Gujarat). His son was Abhaysingh, but this young Abhaysingh...

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My God’s Command Is Superior Than All – Jiva Joshi from Jetpur

Posted by gurukularts

Jiva Joshi from Jetpur   Here is the blog of a brave & determined devotee named Jiva Joshi. Supreme Godhead Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan had given...

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Ideal of Integrity from Ghela Koli from Loya

Posted by gurukularts

Do you wish to stay strong with Honesty & Integrity towards Dharm even in tough times then stay into this blog till the END!! Long...

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Vishwa Shanti Yagna at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul

Posted by gurukularts

As we’re very well aware that Gurukul has been established with an intention to bring change in society and transform lives.  Apart from serving mankind...

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