Is Media Good or Bad ? Is Media Effective or Defective ? Productive or Non-productive? Did you ever think about this ? But before we understand this tell me
Salt is good or bad ? Sugar is good or bad ? Salt is good if it is in limit, Depends on its quantity. Sugar is good if it is in limit. Similarly, Media & Internet is Good if it is in right limit & in right use
It’s said in our scriptures that, अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् – Avoid the TOO MUCH everywhere. Excess of anything is Bad & dangerous. Use of Media is not dangerous but the ADDICTION of Media is dangerous for our life!
Loss of Concentration Capacity
After watching TV Shows, Movies & other YouTube videos, you can’t concentrate your mind on the particular topic, You can’t read & study with the concentrated mind
Why ? Because whatever is watched on TV, will be going on in our mind.
Finally it will damage your education
Remember, Video Games & Movies are the enemies of Concentration
It also reduces the Focused thinking capacity
It creates difficulty in sleep
It also causes the Horrible dreams, violent dreams, scary dreams
So, don’t overuse TV & Video Games
Physical Health issues
Watching TV excessively, Eyes gets strained & becomes weak
Harvard School of Public Health indicates that watching too much television can significantly increase obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Building Bad Habits
Directly & Indirectly Video games, TV Shows & Movies register various kinds of impressions on our mind
Generally, We do, what we see
Children try to copy the dialogues, actions & stunts they see in movies
Children learn bad habits, addiction of drugs, wine, smoking etc,
In the USA many children tried to jump & fly like spiderman & lost their lives
Also few children shot their own parents with gun
Why did it happen ? Who gave such ideas to children ?
Such Movies & Crime Shows
It also leads to Violence, smuggling, robbery, Killing & even Rape
Here works the GIGO Principle – Says the secret behind our each & every actions
Good In Good Out – Garbage In Garbage Out
Whatever data you save in your computer, same data will be displayed on the screen
Similarly, throughout whole day whatever datas are saved by our eyes & ears will reflect in our actions
Media is throwing all kinds of stuff, if you take good things IN, Good things will come OUT through our actions, but if you take Garbage IN, Garbage only will come OUT through our actions
Our Inputs determine our Outputs
If you want good OUTPUTS then insert the Good INPUTS
Waste of time
Addiction to Video Games, Social Media & YouTube will seize the cream time for the study & other duties
Finally he will become expert person
Do you know in which area ?
He will become EXPERT in taking excuses
Brainwashing – Invisible disadvantage
TV & Movies are showing you so many things true-false, real or fake
It will take you away from the Reality
Movies & TV Serials are the biggest BRAINWASHING sources
Indirectly It influences the culture of people, lifestyle of people, emotions of people
Full glass of Milk with just 1 drop of poison, what will affect our body ? Milk or Poison ?
People don’t remember the 99 good scenes but remember the 1 bad scene which is enough to spoil our mind, our emotion
Career Struggle
One who got addicted to media right from students life & college life he will face the big problems to settle his career & get the job because he didn’t improve Skills
How will he get a good job without good skill ?
Finally it will lead to depression & sometimes to the suicide
Overuse of media at the time of job reduces the productivity
Finally it ends with the loss of job
Adultery – Last & worst disadvantage
By watching indecent scene from such TV shows & movies spoils the purity of thoughts & emotions
Finally it affects the married life also
So, my dear Friends, that’s why we should not misuse & overuse media
What excites the misuse / overuse of the Media ?
Root Cause is : Goal-less life & Free Time.If you can understand the root cause, you can get the root solution. What is the ROOT SOLUTION to overcome the Addiction of Media & Misuse of Media ?
Who has BIG goal in life will never waste their time in Media & ENTERTAINMENT.Narendra Modi, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zukerberg, Jeff Bezoz, they are actually ruling the world, they are running great organizations like google, tesla, microsoft amazon, we all are influenced by them, though they don’t have time to waste for entertainment. They are always engrossed in their Goal. For them their GOAL itself is the ENTERTAINMENT
Getting distracted is the sign of a weaker Goal
So my dear Friends,
Set a BIG GOAL in your life, as our elder Swamiji Shri Devprasaddasji Says that “Gurukulites are born to be great. You are not born to do the ordinary work, average work, you are born to do the great work, extraordinary work. So the ROOT SOLUTION for overcoming the addiction of Media is, SETTING BIG GOAL in life.
Now the question is HOW TO USE MEDIA in the right way ? How do great people use Media ? They also live in the same world. If you want to achieve a GREAT GOAL without getting distracted in Media . then you need to SET 2 things
Set the MINDSET of LEARNING while using Media
While using media, Invest Time for LEARNING, don’t waste time for only just Entertainment
Ask 1 Question before you watch any TV Shows, Movies, Before you open YouTube, before you open social media
Ask yourself honestly…
Will it improve my Knowledge & Skill to achieve my Big Goal ?
If answer is YES, watch it & improve your knowledge & skill to achieve your Big Goal
But if answer is NO, stop it
Here you need a BRAVE HEART to stop it if answer is NO
So, Set the MINDSET of LEARNING while using Media
Set the TIMESET for using Media
Set the fix time for the use of media
I hope many parents also may be watching this video session, it’s our humble request to all the parents, that if we want to save the Sanskar of our children & our family then there must be TIME LIMIT for using Social Media, Watching TV, Video Games, News, etc. in our Home
We can make the COMMON RULES for using TV, Video Games & Social Media in our family & we should follow it
Already many our Gurukul Teachers are following this TIMESET for Media in their home & living peaceful life
So, Set the TIMESET for using Media
By setting the MINDSET of Learning & TIMESET for Media will save you from the Misuse & Overuse of Media
Now, What will you do for the rest of the time ? if you will not use Media, you will not play video games, what will you do ?
Do’s : Alternatives
Play Indoor games – Chess, Carrom
Do Physical Exercise & improve physical fitness
Go for bodybuilding
Read the good Books
Story books, religious books etc.
You can enrich your knowledge
And you learnt in Gurukul that, Readers are leaders
Learn Music
Kirtan Singing,
Piano, etc.
Improve your english speaking skill
Learn cooking –
Try something
It also will be a help to your mother
If you have such passion
Learn software programming
Learn Graphics designs – Photoshop, Coreldraw, etc.
Learn Video editing – Premiere, After effect, etc.
Learn Motion graphics, animation etc……
Don’ts : Restrictions
Now last but most important points
Note down these don’ts which should not be done in any situation,
It should be avoided completely
Don’t watch the time wasting & non-productive contents
Don’t fall in the followers trap in social media
Don’t watch any contents which are Anti-values
In which people speak bad words, show vulgar scenes, etc.
Avoid such contents which spoils your Sanskar & Spirituality
Don’t watch any contents which are Anti-family
In which there is an insult of parents, criticism for parents
Don’t watch any contents which are Anti-religionDon’t watch such Videos, such motivational speakers who skillfully disprove our Vedic Culture & traditions like…
Wearing Kanthi, Tilak-Tika & all such things are useless & meaningless…
The contents in which they promote non-veg food,
The contents in which they describe God as a FORMLESS…
The contents they say, there is no God, no heaven & hell…
Such speeches & contents should be avoided immediately
Bhagwan Swaminarayan also mentioned in Shikshapatri that, one should not listen such person whose talks damage our faith in Dharm & Devotion for God
Dear Friends,
If you will use MEDIA in a right way it will MAKE your life. And if you will MISUSE MEDIA then it will BREAK your life. Finally choice is yours And don’t forget, Habits makes our life better not just mere Knowledge. So, let’s develop a habit of using Media with the MINDSET & TIMESET of LEARNING And finally let’s achieve a BIG GOAL in our life