
Why Guru Purnima is a Sacred Day?

Published On: July 5, 2024 , Updated on : July 24, 2024

Guru Purnima is param pavitra (supremely sacred) day, a day dedicated to remembering and worshipping our gurus. This auspicious day holds deep significance as it commemorates the invaluable role of the guru in guiding us on the spiritual path. As Shree Krishna Bhagwan instructs to Uddhavji in the 11th Canto of the Shrimad Bhagavat

āchāryaṁ māṁ vijānīyāt

(Understand the guru to be my form.)

This teaching underscores the vital role of the guru as a divine representative of God on earth. In the Swaminarayan tradition, the importance of the guru is eloquently highlighted in the Vachanāmrut. Swaminarayan Bhagwan has extolled the greatness of the guru on numerous occasions.

Muktanand Swami beautifully translates this sentiment, expressing:

Aise mere jan ekāntik, tehi sam aur na koī;
Muktānanad kahat yūṁ Mohan, mero hī sarvasva soī.

(Such are my followers, who are unparalleled, says Muktanand swami,
who have offered everything to Mohan.)

This sentiment reflects the ultimate dedication and reverence a true devotee holds for the guru, recognizing the guru as the highest form of spiritual connection and guidance.

In everyday life, when a new car is purchased or a new house is built, people are eager to show and praise it to their relatives and friends, proudly saying, “See, we have bought a new car.” However, Shree Krishna Bhagwan states that if there is something truly worthy of praise, then that is my saints.

Kamala mero karat upāsan, mān chapaltā dhōyi
Yadyapi vās diyo mein ur par, santan sam nahi soi
Bhūko bhār harū santan hit, karūṁ chāya kar dōyi
Jo mere santanko rati ek dūve, tehi jaḍ dārū mein khōyi

Kamala performs my upāsanā (worship), washing away the fickleness of
the mind;
I have given residence in my heart yet she is unparallel to my saints.
I bear burdens for the sake of saints, providing shade with my hands;
If anyone gives a slightest of pain to my saints, I uproot the one who
caused it.

God Himself has described the immense glory of gurus. Niskulanand Swami has extensively detailed the characteristics of such saints. It is not only their greatness that is described but also their traits. When we purchase a new car, we receive a manual detailing how to care for it. Similarly, our scriptures have provided the characteristics of gurus. Brahmanand Swami succinctly stated in one of his kirtans:

Sant param hitkārī, jagat māṁhi…
Prabhupad pragat karāvat prīti, bharam miṭāvat bhārī

(The saint is supremely benevolent in the world…
Revealing the love of God’s feet, dispelling great delusions…)

The greatest and most vital role of the guru is to introduce God. Maharaj has given our Paramhansas the title:

Ārṣabho Bharatah pūrvam jaḍavipro yathā bhuvi
Avartatātra paramahansairvṛutyam tathaiv taiḥ

The Sacred Day of Guru Purnima: Celebrating Our Guru Parampara 3
(In ancient times, Bharata, the son of Rishabhdev, lived and behaved on
earth like a detached Brahmin. All my Paramhansas and Sadhus here also
live and behave similarly.)

This suggests that my Paramhansas should emulate Jad Bharat. Jad Bharat was an Avdhut Yogi and Avdhut Paramhans.

Understanding the Avdhut

An Avdhut is one who does not introduce himself but only introduces God. If one introduces himself, he cannot be called an Avdhut. This selfless nature of the Avdhut embodies the highest level of spiritual humility and dedication.

The Role of True Guru in Our Lives

In our tradition, we have been blessed with such saints, like Shastriji Maharaj, who introduced God to lakhs of people, bringing them to the feet of God. However, he never introduced himself; he did not let others to introduce about him either. He is called an Avdhut Paramhans. Such a saint is considered a step ahead of God for a mumukshu (seeker of salvation). Even if one has achieved God, without a great saint, one cannot recognize and realize God. Brahmanand Swami said:

Prabhupad pragat karāvat prīti, bharam miṭāvat bhārī

(Revealing the love of God’s feet, dispelling great delusions…)

There is a great delusion and illusion about gurus in this world. Speaking of this, I recall a story that I must share. During the svayamvara (choosing of the groom) of Damayanti, she and Nala Raja had already mentally chosen each other. However, upon hearing of Damayanti’s glory, the Four Devatas (Indra, Agni, Varuṇa, Vāyu) wished to marry her. Since Damayanti had already prepared her mind to marry Nala Raja, the Devatas, knowing Nala Raja’s innocence, sought his permission to take his form and sit in the svayamvara. Nala Raja permitted this, and thus four Devatas assumed his form, with the real Nala Raja sitting in between. When Damayanti came to choose her groom, as she was sati (devoted wife) she could distinguish the real Nala Raja from the impostors.

In Gujarati, Nala means water tap. Swami says four Nala were fake and one was real. A fake water tap does not give water; only the real one does. Similarly, Damayanti identified the real The Sacred Day of Guru Purnima: Celebrating Our Guru Parampara 4 Nala Raja among the fakes. In this world, delusion and illusion abound, and fake individuals are more common. Brahmanand Swami says:

Paramkṛpālu sakal jīvan par, harisam sab dukhahārī

(Supremely compassionate to all beings, removing all sorrows like God.)

Dear devotees, we need not look far to find such Paramhansas. Our revered Jogi Swami was such a great saint who fulfilled the desires of devotees and removed their sorrows. If someone did not have a son, he blessed them with one. If there was no water in a well, he blessed it to have water. Such small to huge sorrows of devotees were vanquished, and they became happy just by the blessings of Swamiji.

Trigunātīt phīrat tanu tyāgī, rīt jagat se nyārī

(He transcends the three gunas, his ways unique in the world.)

His behavior is such that one cannot find such qualities elsewhere.

Brahmānand kahe santkī sobat, milat hai pragat Morārī

(Brahmanand says that in the company of saints, one attains the manifest

The objects and materials of this world are not the result of satsang. Gunatitanand Swami said that whatever wellness and wealth we have is not the result of satsang. Many sinners possess more wealth than anyone else. This is not the fruit of having attachment with true sant or

True realization of God in this very life is the fruit and result of the association of true Sant. Today is the day of Guru Pujan. Shreeji Maharaj has used the term sant in place of guru, meaning the same. The true characteristic of a guru:

Āchāryam vijānīyāt

(Know the guru.)

If a soul is a true mumukshu and finds a true guru, his life will be without flaws.

Today is a great day for us to perform the puja of the guru, the gurus who have carried forward our paramparā (tradition). The life of our gurumahārāj is as pure as the water of the Ganga. By performing his puja, we can feel fulfillment in our lives. This is a great achievement we have. Today is the day to worship our gurus physically or mentally and feel fulfilled and grateful.

As we celebrate this auspicious day, let us reflect on the invaluable guidance and blessings we receive from our Guru Paramparā. Their teachings illuminate our path and help us transcend worldly illusions, leading us towards spiritual fulfillment and ultimate Mukti.

14 responses to “Why Guru Purnima is a Sacred Day?”

  1. Gurukularts Avatar

    Jay Swaminarayan, Happy Gurupurnima!

  2. Vishalraj Vasista Sneha Vijay Avatar
    Vishalraj vasista sneha vijay

    Gurubhyo namaha
    Guru is the most powerful and important person who comes in every human life to start a successful life journey very neatly explained about guru in above gurukulites r very lucky kids because they r always under the guidance of guru we can just feel but our kids r feeling it and experiencing it daily

  3. Sneha Vijay Avatar
    Sneha vijay

    Gurubhyo namaha
    Guru is the main person who starts our journey with great knowledge with cannot be taken or stolen by anyone
    Above explanation about guru poornima is very 🙏 gurukulites r very lucky because they r always under guruguidence only they will know this value only when they complete their gurukul and come out even my son will know it

  4. Rajiv Singh Avatar
    Rajiv Singh

    A Guru, in many traditions and also in ways of life, is often seen as a source of wisdom, guidance and inspiration. A Guru or teacher is someone who helps people on the path to spiritual growth and enlightenment, helping them overcome the obstacles in the path which may come in the form of ignorance, ego and the likes.

  5. Arvind Nath Pandey Avatar
    Arvind Nath Pandey

    Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo maheshwara Guru sakshat Param Brahma tasmai Shri guruve Namah

  6. Usharani Rani Avatar
    Usharani Rani

    Namage margadarshana madidha ella gurugalige nana hurdaya purvakha dhanyavadhagalu..🙏🙏🙏❣️

  7. Saicharan Avatar


  8. Tejaswini Bhosley Avatar
    Tejaswini Bhosley

    Let’s Bow to the one who has inspired and the thaught us the write way of life. The best teacher will teach from the heart not from the book. JAI SWAMI NARAYANA🙏🏻🙏🏻

  9. Tejaswini Bhosley Avatar
    Tejaswini Bhosley

    Let’s Bow to the one who has inspired and the thaught us the write way of life.

  10. Tejaswini Bhosley Avatar
    Tejaswini Bhosley

    Guru is a future of our life . Less expections and peaceful life..


    1. Gurukularts Avatar

      Jay Swaminarayan, Happy Gurupurnima

  11. Tejaswini Bhosley Avatar
    Tejaswini Bhosley

    Guru is a future of our life .


  12. Aloke Narayan Mitra Avatar
    Aloke Narayan Mitra

    I learned so many things from that article.The importace of guru is highlighted in the Vachanamrut.The greatest and most vital role of the guru is to introduce god.Shastri ji Maharaj also called an Avdhut Paramhans.

  13. Aloke Narayan Mitra Avatar
    Aloke Narayan Mitra

    I learned so many things from that article.The importance of guru is highlighted in the Vachanamrut.The greatest and most vital role of the guru is to introduce God.Shastri ji maharaj also called an Avdhut Paramhans.

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