
Vachanamrut MCQ Quiz questions

Published On: December 17, 2020 , Updated on : February 22, 2024

60 MCQ Questions  Based on Vachanamrut

      1. God resides in the _______ types of murtis and in the ____________
        • temple ,Sant
        • Eight,Temple
        • Eight,Sant
        • Nine,Temple
      2. In which Samvat year did the Vachanamrut no.33 of Ghadadha Chapter take place?
        • 1878
        • 1876
        • 1947
        • 2017
      3. How did Shreeji Maharaj address his devotees in Vachanamrut No.41 Gadhada middle chapter?
        • Angrily
        • Mercifully
        • Happily
        • None of the Above
      4. On which Year, Vanchanamruth #54 Gadhada First Chapter took place?
        • 1877
        • 1863
        • 1876
        • 1873
      5. The cause of atheistic attitude is due to
        • Atheistic people
        • Atheistic Scriptures
        • Atheistic Saints
        • Varuna
      6. Which Swamiji asked the Description about pleasing God ?
        • Muktanand Swami
        • Ramanad Swami
        • Premanand Swami
        • Nilkanth Varni
      7. A devotee’s Ego can be compared ro ____________________________.
        • Bone’s Dog
        • Dog’s Bone
        • Died Flowers
        • Empty Bowl
      8. If a person has Firm Faith in God, Which of the following would he do?
        • Forsakes Saints
        • Forsakes his Family
        • Forsakes his Sadness
        • None of the above
      9. When a person does not observe proper decorum and respect in the presence of God he can be said to have
        1. love in god
        2. Faith in God
        3. Both a & b
        4. None of the above
      10. What was the way given by Shreeji Maharaj to please God?
        • Penance
        • Dandvate
        • To seek complete refuge
        • Satsangi
      11. When God lived in Bhramapur, he possessed which type of images?
        • Beautiful
        • Attractive
        • Divine
        • Boring
      12. What is one of the Vices(Qualities) that Shreeji Maharaj could not put up in a Devotee?
        • Happiness
        • Honesty
        • Ego
        • Devotion
      13. God resides in the ___________ of saints
        • Feet
        • Brain
        • heart
        • Minds
      14. What is the title given for Vachanamruth No.5 of Ghadada
        • Pativrata and Bravery
        • Bravery and Honesty
        • Pativrat & Courage
        • Satsang Vision
      15. On which Part of the body of Lord should a Devotee concentrate ?
        • Face
        • hand
        • Feet
        • Knee
      16. When a person saves a Devotee from being Murdered,What does the person Receive ?
        • Wealth
        • Redemption
        • Both A and B
        • Self Satisfaction
      17. If one appreciates the greatness of god and saints he will become a _____________.
        • loser
        • fall from the holly fellowship
        • firm believer
        • wins
      18. Who is Naradji Jealousy upon?
        • Muktanand Swami
        • Bhramanand Swami
        • Tumbaru
        • Premanand Swami
      19. Which Chapter was quoted in Vachanamrut No.54 Ghadhada middle Chapter
        • 11,13
        • 12,11
        • 11,12
        • None of the above
      20. At Which Darbar did Swami Shree Sahajanandji Maharaj sit while desclosing Qualities of a person with ego
        • Dada Khachar
        • Somla Khachar
        • Sura khachar
        • Jeeva Khachar
      21. When Shreeji maharaj was sleeping (Vachanamruth 68).He went in trance to
        • Akshardam
        • Vaikuntam
        • Brahmlok
        • Purushottampuri
      22. How can jealousy be cured from oneself
        • Distarcting youself
        • ruming away
        • by ego
        • learn from the person one’s jealousy is upon
      23. Satsang is the Greatest ___________________.
        • penance
        • Wealth
        • Health
        • Spiritual Endevour
      24. How many states of consciences are there?
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
      25. We must _______________ when a person speaks ill of God and Saints
        • invite him to the fellowship
        • love him
        • let him go
        • retaliate
      26. Who is Dada Khachar
        • Saint
        • Devotee
        • A faithless Follower
        • A fiction Character
      27. What is the Title of Vachanamruth No.7 last Chapter?
        • Satsang:An Spiritual Eendevour
        • Iron Nail
        • A bone in the form of Egoism
        • None of the Above
      28. Rajpoot Galuji was from?
        • Dabusur
        • Dharampur
        • Valak Region
        • Bhooj
      29. when vicious thoughts enter a devotee if he is true to god then it __________________his faith on god.
        • Shakes
        • kills
        • doesn’t Shake
        • dies
      30. The Question “Please tell us how our devotion,accompained by mortality ,knowledge and non attachment grow instantly” was asked by which Swamiji
        • Gopalanand Swami
        • Nishkulanand Swami
        • Muktanand Swami
        • Premanand Swami
      31. Tulsidas said that Man renounces __________________________.
        • Maya
        • Money
        • Ego
        • Women
      32. Which of the Following is the natural disturbance for One’s mind
        • Biggest Distraction
        • Worldly desires
        • None of the Above
        • Smallest Distraction
      33. Renunicates must observe _____________________ very strictly
        • his wealth
        • decorum
        • Both a & b
        • laws
      34. How much is one manvantar in years
        • 7002304
        • 308572428
        • 308672428
        • 308571428
      35. As per Vachanamrutam,What is the Hardest Metal on Earth?
        • German Silver
        • Vajra
        • Loha
        • Titanium
      36. According to Maharaj , One must establish undisturbed Control on ___________________________.
        • On a Devotee
        • One’s own self
        • On Saints
        • On Almighty
      37. A man highly respected should __________________ in the assembly
        • disrespected
        • insulted
        • never be insulted
        • belted
      38. What is Nishkulanand Swami Prominently known For?
        • Good looks
        • Nirlobh
        • Vairragya
        • Krodha
      39. Which Way is the Greatest Way to realize the Almighty?
        • Satsang
        • Meditation
        • Tapascharya
        • Yagna
      40. When a person even if beloved by God , stares at him ferociously. He would _______________________________________________.
        • Kill Him
        • Love him
        • Pluck his eyes
        • Move away from him
      41. The greatness of sincere saints are___________________________
        • common
        • low
        • immense
        • boring
      42. What should a wife not tolerate about her husband as given in vachanamruth no.05 of ghadada?
        • Tolarate an insult
        • tolerate hardship
        • Both A and B
        • None of the above
      43. Ego is Nothing but the feeling of ?
        • My-ness with God
        • Both A and D
        • None of the above
        • One-ness with God
      44. Who is Sura Khachar?
        • King of Gadhada
        • King of Loya
        • Both A and B
        • None of the above
      45. When a person risks even his head for the holy fellowship. He is called as _________________.
        • Paramgay
        • Paramhans
        • Both a & b
        • parampujya
      46. How many Factors were told by Maharaj that can intensity the strenght of devotion?
        • 1
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
      47. Love for ___________________ is the only means of realising Atma
        • God
        • Satpurush
        • World
        • CommonMan
      48. One who always Obeys God, no matters how small is God’s Order is. He will _______________.
        • falter From the holy fellowship
        • remains steadfast
        • Same as before
        • Escapes the Fellowship
      49. How many qualities make a man a confirmed ‘Satsangi’
        • 2
        • 3
        • 4
        • 5
      50. Whose example did Shreeji Maharaj give the order to get rid of jelousy?
        • Naradji
        • Tumbaru
        • Krishna
        • Dada khachar
      51. When the Soul happens to get an inanimate object like a mountain. He will not meet his ___________________________.
        • Ultimate Need
        • Desires
        • Ultimate Good
        • Ultimate God
      52. Vachanamruth No. 60 Ghadadha middle chapter gives us the lesson of Overcoming ?
        • Loss
        • Life
        • Worldy Desires
        • Difficulties
      53. What is the title or essence of Vachanamruth 59 Gadhada middle chapter?
        • A leader person
        • Where is conciet appropriate
        • Ultimate kalyan
        • Pleasure
      54. A Person’s Heart becomes pure in the company of ______________________?
        • Of God
        • Of woman
        • Of Saints
        • None of the above
      55. Deep love for a Saintly Person is in itself a means of ____________________.
        • God Realisation
        • Materistic Realisation
        • Salvation of one’s soul
        • Self Realisation
      56. “Bhagwat Dharm” can be nourished by the association of Whom?
        • SAINT
        • Ekanthik Saint
        • HariBhakth
        • Satsangi
      57. Who is an ekanthik Bhakt
        • Single minded devotee
        • Double minded devotee
        • Triple minded devotee
        • None of the above
      58. Who said to Maharaj ,” But Maharaj, Jealousy still persits ”
        • Anandanand Swami
        • Muktanand Swami
        • Premanand Swami
        • Nilkanth Varni
      59. Who quoted the Couplet of Tulsidas in Vachnamruth No.41 ?
        • Gunatitanand Swam
        • Premanand Swami
        • Muktanand Swami
        • Nishkulaanand Swami
      60. What is the name of the Carpenter in a story narrated by Shreeji Maharaj ?
        • Sadhaji
        • Sundarji
        • Shukveerji
        • Saralji