Gurukul International School recently hosted a thrilling spelling bee competition, showcasing the linguistic prowess of its students. Participants from all grades competed for the coveted title of school spelling champion. The competition was filled with...
Read moreIntroduction In a world driven by globalization, international cooperation and diplomacy play pivotal roles in addressing global challenges. Recognizing the significance of such cooperation, Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School in Navi Mumbai organized a mock...
Read moreThe Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at the Gurukul is a lively and spiritually significant occasion dedicated to honoring Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. The festivities typically commence with a ceremonial Puja, where devotees offer flowers,...
Read moreSpiritual Week Success” and “GIGO and Beyond
The recent spiritual week at Gurukul International School was a resounding success, featuring a diverse array of engaging activities. The centerpiece of the week was the "GIGO" (Garbage In, Garbage Out) campaign, a significant initiative...
Read moreJanapada Loka serves as an educational hub, attracting tourists and students alike. Students visiting this museum can gain valuable insights into Karnataka’s folk traditions, learning about the customs, tools, and art forms that define the...
Read moreDevotional Creations Hostel Students Sculpt Ganesh Ji from Soil
At Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Bangalore, the hostel students participated in a unique and devotional activity—crafting Ganesh Ji idols using soil, a humble yet symbolic gesture. Under the theme ‘Ganesh Ji from Earth: A Devotional Creation,’...
Read moreIn today's fast-paced world, where academic excellence often takes centre stage, the significance of value-based education cannot be overstated. Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School, a beacon of holistic learning, stands as a testament to the...
Read moreAt Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Bangalore, the hostel students participated in a unique and devotional activity—crafting Ganesh Ji idols using soil, a humble yet symbolic gesture. Under the theme ‘Ganesh Ji from Earth: A Devotional Creation,’...
Read moreJanmashtami Celebration Hostel
The Krishna Janmashtami celebration at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Bangalore was a day filled with devotion, cultural expressions, and spiritual learning, exclusively organized for the hostel students. The event was a perfect blend of devotion and...
Read moreThe Flower Hindola event at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Bangalore was a breathtaking display of devotion and artistry. Seva students dedicated their time and energy to crafting a beautiful hindola (swing) adorned entirely with vibrant flowers....
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