Vision for the World

In 1948 amidst Himalayas.
there occurred a Historic Event,
the Event of Radical Thought within the heart of
the Visionary Saviour,
who sacrificed his world
for the World.

Within his Caring Heart


Pain & Concern

How will our future generation be without morals! Wouldn’t the world be otherwise, in absence of morals! These questions flooded his heart which brought the concem for entire humanity.

Shastriji Maharaj

Quest & Concept

How can we prevent this moral destruction? His entire on-foot-himalayan journey was to find the solution to this concern. And, the solution was out there, Spiritual and Human values together only can prevent this moral destruction and establish peace.

Inspiration, Vision & Mission


॥ प्रवर्तनीया सद्विद्या भुवि यत्सुकृतं महत् ॥

Propagate true wisdom in the world, the most noble endeavour.

– Bhagwan Swaminarayan (Shikshapatri)


To see a world full of individuals at the highest level of humanity and spirituality.


To transform each individual by giving them the power, opportunities and culture to attain the highest level of humanity and spirituality.

Gurukul Brochure

Dedication &

From that moment he dedicated his entire life, thoughts & actions to unleash this vision for the entire humanity. And thus, in 1948 he founded Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul at Rajkot, Gujarat, India.

Shastri ji maharaj